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Aging and Beyond
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Medical links for patients, families, and caregivers

After links to dictionary-style online sites come links to helpful sites with a more specific focus. Alphabetical order.
Cochran Library Evidence-based medicine. Review. Database. Trials. More resources.
The Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care (slow loading)
Drugs.com (a free drug information service)
First Aid (Mayo Clinic's alphabetical links to how to administer first aid for various problems)
GARD Information Navigator (Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center). Browse A-Z. Find diseases by category. List of FDA Orphan Drugs. FAQs about rare diseases.
HealthFinder.gov (Health & Human Services)
Johns Hopkins Health Library
Kaiser Health News (KHN). Invaluable resource for health and medical reporters; free subscription to their excellent e-newsletters available to public.
Mayo Clinic on Diseases and Conditions. Find a disease by its first letter. Symptom checker.
Medical Dictionary (WebMD, alphabetical links)
Medical news, Where journalists get their (Writers and Editors site)
Medline Plus (trusted health information from the National Library of Medicine)
MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia (National Library of Medicine) See version
en espagnol (Información de Salud de la Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina)
Medscape (top medical resource for physicians; search drugs, diseases, and procedures)
MedTerms Medical Dictionary A-Z List
Memorial Sloan Kettering links to medical databases (A to Z)
Morning Health Reads: Charles Ornstein's Newsletter. His Nuzzle newsletter is must reading for medical journalists. He's well-informed, understands health care deeply, and stays on top of healthcare and medical news and issues.
Shelter in Place (Police & Public Safety information, IU Notify, for communicating emergency info on campuses)
Symptom checker (Symcat)


About Herbs, Botanicals, and Other Products (Memorial Sloan Kettering)
Advance directives, living wills, wills, and other practical matters
America's Health Rankings
Assessing Cardiovascular Risk: Systematic Evidence Review from the Risk Assessment Work Group (NIH/NHLBI)
Bereavement, grief, and recovery
Blogs, podcasts, news for medical and health care journalists (Writers and Editors)
Brain Tumors: A Primer (American Brain Tumor Association)
Buying drugs, devices, and procedures smartly, cheaply, safely
Calculate Your Body Mass Index (BMI) (NIH, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute)
Cancer.gov (National Cancer Institute--the nation's leader in cancer research)
Cardiovascular disease: Heart and coronary conditions and care
CareZone A worry-free way to organize health information and access vital health services. Document patient symptoms, organize medication lists, store important service provider info, such as doctor's names, insurance info, reminders for refills. Share with caregivers, helpers.
Caring Village (an online organizer for caregivers--From storing documents and prescription info to sharing calendars, this powerful app helps caregivers communicate, coordinate, and care.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Click on the CDC A-Z Index.
Clinical Guidelines and Recommendations (AHRQ, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality) Evidence-based research provides the basis for sound clinical practice guidelines and recommendations
Cochran Database of Systematic Reviews
Complementary and Alternative Medicine Guide (University of Maryland Medical Center)
Coping with chronic, rare, and invisible diseases and disorders
CountyRX card Save up to 75% off on all FDA approved drugs at 57,000 pharmacies nationwide. For more, see Buying drugs, devices, and procedures smartly, cheaply, safely
Caring Bridge No more repeating the story over and over. Create a personalized web page on which to update family and friends about a loved one's care. Connect with all of your family and friends at once, giving you time to focus on what matters. They can look in the middle of the night to see how things are going.
Covering health reform, Medicare, Medicaid, and the Affordable Care Act
Cut to the Heart (companion site to PBS Nova series on radical but promising new form of heart surgery)
Eldercare Locator (or call 1-800-677-1116)
Epocrates (a medical app)
Evidence-based medicine (Writers and Editors site)
EWG's Guide to Sunscreens
familydoctor.org (American Academy of Family Physicians, information and resources about illnesses, conditions and diseases)
15 steps you can take to reduce your chances of hospital-acquired infection (Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths)
Fighting drug price gouging and making drugs more affordable
Flu.gov (CDC: Get a flu vaccine every year)
Framingham Coronary Heart Disease Risk Score
Free community clinics (PatientAssistance guide to free clinics, by state and county/city)
Generic drugs: overpricing, shortages, quality-control problems, market manipulation, and other issues
Grand Rounds (live and archived, at Dartmouth-Hitchcock)
A Guided Tour of the Visible Human Washington University Medical School - The MAD Scientist Network) See more projects based on the Visible Human dataset.
A guided tour of your body (Well Guide, New York Times) A well-illustrated, excellent, many-layered guide.
HealthFinder.gov (your source for reliable health information, Health & Human Resources)
Health information privacy (HIPAA)
HealthNewsReview (rates health and medical stories for accuracy, balance and completeness), VERY interesting and helpful, though it doesn't cover all stories
Health Screening: What Tests You Need and When (NIH Medline Plus, 2007)
Health Screening for Children (OnHealth)
Heart Disease Risk Calculator (Mayo Clinic)
Heart failure: Warning signs
Heart/Stroke Recognition Program (HSRP) (voluntary program designed to recognize clinicians who use evidence-based measures and provide excellent care to persons with cardiovascular disease (CVD) or who have had a stroke)
HIV InSite Comprehensive, up-to-date information on HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention from the University of California San Francisco
Hospitals and hospitalization (links to useful information)
How to find a disease specialist (Genetic and Rare Disease Information Center, 1-888-205-2311)
How to Find Good Health Information (Medical Library Association)
Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF, Filling the need for trusted information on national health issues)
Kaiser Health News (KHN, a nonprofit news service covering health issues--an editorially independent program of the Kaiser Family Foundation which is not affiliated with Kaiser Permanente)
KidsHealth (#1 most-trusted source for physician-reviewed information and advice on children's health and parenting issues. For parents, kids, teens, and educators, in English and in Spanish.)
• ***Lotsa Helping Hands A calendar-based system for organizing help for someone in need. A central place to coordinate meals and help for friends & family. Helps organize meals or caregiving schedules and assign dates and times with "help needed" and "needs met."
Managing living arrangements for elders and disabled (on this website)
Managing medications, tests, procedures, and treatments
Managing pain (links to useful information)
Mayo Clinic, Patient Care and Health Information
Meal Train. Organize meals for a friend after a birth, surgery or illness, with reminder emails and a way for people to sign up to help supply meals.
Medical Journeys (MedPage Today) Each episode of this journey through a disease state contains both a physician guide and a downloadable and printable patient resource.
Medical mysteries (stories about conditions and diseases difficult to diagnose)
MRSA Infections: The Basics
National Institute on Aging (NIA, browse A-Z topics)
The NNT. The Number Needed to Treat -- a tool to communicate benefit and harm that both patients and doctors can understand (traditionally, the number required to prevent one death). See also the Lancet article, Numbers needed to treat (needlessly?) by Peter Bogaty and James Brophy, suggesting that the NNT obscures the reality that many patients are treated without benefit. Figures on such questions as whether taking an aspirin prevents a heart attack (or does harm), whether beta blockers prevent myocardial infarction (or do harm), is the Mediterranean diet helpful after heart attack, do statin drugs given for five years (with or without known heart disease)help or harm health, in what ways? and so on.
Participate in Clinical Studies (NIH Clinical Center)
PatientAssistance (helping patients get medication--government benefits available in each state)
Patient assistance programs
PatientsLikeMe (a for-profit patient network and real-time research platform. Through the network, patients connect with others who have the same disease or condition and track and share their own experiences with the goal to improve outcomes.)
A Patient's Journey Patient stories, MedPage Today.
Psych Central. Your mental health is as important as your physical health.
Symcat symptom checker. See Harvard researchers tested 23 online ‘symptom checkers.’ Most got failing grades. Here’s how they stack up. (Ariana Eunjung Cha, Washington Post, 7-10-15)
Selling sickness: the pharmaceutical industry and disease mongering (Ray Moynihan and David Henry, British Medical Journal, PMC, April 2002)
A Single Mother (grants for single moms) Links to many resources in 50 states and 100 cities.
STATS (checking out facts and figures behind medical news -- the gateway to statistics)
Suicide and Suicide Prevention
Tips for the Undiagnosed (Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center, GARD)
Top Health Websites (Medical Library Association)
Vaccines and vaccinations (see which ones you and your family need)
Vision Surgery Rehab Network (information and support for patients with undesirable outcomes from vision surgery (Lasik,etc.)
Vitamin D
Where journalists get their medical news (Pat McNees, Writers and Editors)

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