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A site about death, dying, grief, and loss; about caregiving or living with chronic or life-threatening illness; and about positive and realistic approaches to aging. Reading up on end-of-life activities often surprises people, kick-starting their interest in activities that are better done before they are nearly pushing up daisies. Even bereavement and loss may help us grow. And there are links to practical advice here for each step along the way.

CATEGORIES, in alphabetical order
See also Subjects/sections within categories
Advance directives, living wills, and other practical matters Wills, trusts, and other aspects of end-of-life decision making
Aging with grace Enjoying the golden years
Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia and memory loss
Autism spectrum disorders Autism, Asperger's syndrome, savant syndrome, and others
The Beneficial Effects of Life Story and Legacy Activities
Bereavement, grief, and recovery
Blog posts on this website, Index of (by category)
Books and film to help you make it through the night (Recommended reading, viewing, and listening
Cardiovascular disease and prevention (Heart and coronary conditions and care)
Caregivers, caregiving, long-term care and caregiver burnout
Charitable giving and volunteering (and donating your body or body parts)
Difficult endings: Complex, difficult, and intentional deaths (including suicide, homicide, and gun violence)
Coping with cancer
Coping with chronic, rare, and invisible diseases and disorders
Death, dying, and end-of-life care
Depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and other forms of mental illness
Downsizing, decluttering, moving, and other hard-to-face realities
Drugs, surgery, procedures, tests, and medical care
Eulogies and video tributes (celebrating a life)
Funerals, cremation, home funerals, green burial, memorial services (plus cemeteries, coffins, headstones, memorials)
Helping a dying friend (and ways to help the dying)
HIPAA, electronic health records, patient privacy and safety
Hospice care and palliative care (end-of-life care--to comfort, not to cure)
How storytelling can aid in healing
Life story writing (the healing powers of narrative)
Long-term care and long-term care insurance
Managing living arrangements for elderly and disabled (home-based and facility-based housing and care options, helpful devices and supports)
Managing your health, pain, medications, and health care costs (plus hospitals, ER, urgent care, and hospitalization)
Medical mysteries, patient and caregiver stories, infections and infectious diseases
Memoirs of illness, crisis, disability, differentness, and survival
Music for funerals, wakes, and memorial services
Obituaries and other forms of tribute
Prayers, poems, and meditations
Recommended reading, viewing, and listening
Reducing medical errors
Reforming the U.S. health care system (understanding the issues reform must address)
Retirement 101
Selections from DYING, A BOOK OF COMFORT
Single payer and other models for health care financing
Social Security and veterans benefits, pensions, and annuities
The stages of grief
Substance abuse and recovery (and other forms of addiction)
Writing an ethical will (a legacy letter)
Vaccines and vaccinations (immunization)
Index of site

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Coronavirus: Facts and Stories About Covid

Important articles and stories about Covid-19 and the pandemic

Helping a dying friend

What to say (or not say) to those who are dying or grieving

HIPAA, electronic health records, and patient privacy

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA),
---Electronic health records (EHR--issues, problems, information)
---The HIPAA privacy rule
---Patient privacy and related issues

Music for funerals and memorial services

Listen to samples of hymns, gospel and inspirational music; blues and nostalgic popular music; anthems; patriotic and military funeral music; and classical music. If you click on the Amazon link to buy and download the music, this site gets a small commission (usually 4 or 5 cents).
---Classical music for funerals and memorial services
---Hymns, gospel, and inspirational music for funerals and memorial services
---Funeral anthems
---Patriotic and military funeral music
---Popular secular music, including blues music